Bayero, Others Angry Because They Lost Privileges -Sanusi

Bayero, Others Angry Because They Lost Privileges- Sanusi
Emir of Kano state Muhammadu Sanusi II

Former Central Bank Governor and newly reinstated Emir of Kano state Muhammadu Sanusi II, has stated that the recently dethroned Emir of Kano Aminu Ado Bayero is angry because of lost privileges.

In an interview, Emir Sanusi II said; “What we are dealing with is a situation where somebody divided us. And actually, when you create these things, some people get some privileges. They didn’t ask for it, but they’ve enjoyed it for four years.

“Now when they lose it, it’s a problem. But the problem is not what has happened today. It is what happened four years ago. If it had not been done, we would not be in this situation today. We are one family, we are one people. Somebody comes, divides us up.

“Even in this family, he takes one emirate, gives it to a part of the family. Now, when people enjoy it for four years and you take it away from them, it becomes a problem.”

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