AWFG Lauds Mrs Eunice Ngozi Onuegbusi for being an Exemplar

The founder and CEO of African Women Forum for Good governance (AWFG), a women empowerment and advocacy group dedicated to good governance and the socio-economic development of Africa through gender empowerment, Hon. Justice Chinwe Iyizoba, (JCA RTD) has commended Governor Obiano for recognizing and rewarding Mrs Eunice Ngozi Onuegbusi from Ukwulu, Dunukofia LGA for rejecting a bribe of N5000 and opting to vote her conscience.

Hon. Justice Iyizoba opined that there are other exemplary women like Mrs Onuegbusi in Anambra and in Nigeria. She stated that one of the visions of her NGO is to identify such women, empower them in their businesses, political aspirations, and other endeavors in order to create a new crop of rural women, the bulk of voters in elections who will always eschew money politics.

His lordship stated that it is necessary for our politicians to learn that the only way to make progress in politics is by providing the people who elected them into office with good governance – through the provision of the necessary social amenities to make life worth living – good roads, good schools, jobs, good healthcare, water supply, electricity etc.

She called on the government, public and private institutions to recognize the importance and relevance of women in the scheme of things. They deserve greater representation in governance at all levels. As mothers of the nation they know where the shoes pinch and have a lot to say and contribute towards making things better.

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