Author: Kestér Kenn Klomegâh

As the White House gears up for the mid-December African Leaders Summit, several reports indicated that a few African countries might not attend. U.S. President Joe Biden plans to hold an African leaders’ gathering in Washington as a further major step to strengthen geopolitical dialogue and multifaceted relations between the United States and Africa. The White House National Security Council in November told Today News Africa the criteria for inviting African governments to attend the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit scheduled for December 13-15. While the primary goal is to host a broadly inclusive gathering of high-powered delegations from across the African…

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At least 600 million people in Africa without access electricity and inadequate funding for power generation, Russia’s Rosatom state nuclear energy corporation now proposes to provide, over the next several years, mini nuclear plants for  generating reliable and affordable power in a number of African countries. According to the latest information obtained at the Atomexpo-2022, Rosatom is discussing, as part of the energy-mix, the use of small nuclear power plants (SNPP) and floating nuclear plants for African countries. The African Energy Chamber reports say Africa expects to achieve universal access to affordable electricity by 2030. Many countries are finding ways…

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Under the auspices of an official state visit to attend the unveiling of  a statue in memory of former leader Fidel Castro in northwestern Moscow, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez unreservedly expressed support for anti-American position taken by Russia, reminded the history of Cuba and the Soviet Union during the Cold War when both shared the same stand. Diaz-Canel Bermudez highlighted the significance of the visit to Moscow. Cuba and Soviet Union had similar experience, both were blockaded. “It takes place at a time when both Russia and Cuba have been subjected to unfair unilateral sanctions and have a common…

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Portuguese businesses are prioritizing various economic sectors to invest in Mozambique, according to reports carefully monitored from the Government of Mozambique and Portugal, as well as Mozambique’s Confederation of Business Associations (CTA). Portuguese businesses are eyeing economic sectors including industry, energy, agriculture, infrastructure and logistics. They are also prioritizing education and training, hospitality and tourism. Mozambique and Portugal have developed excellent bilateral relations. A third of everything that Mozambique buys from the European Union comes from Portugal, according to 2020 data from the National Statistics Institute (INE), the most recent made available for public. Medicines, diagnostic and laboratory reagents, wheat,…

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Kazakhstan, one of the Russian neighbours and former Soviet republics, open its doors for a broader external expansion. Given its geographical location and combined with current political reforms aim at transforming the its economic from the Soviet system to a more modernized system infused with western culture of life, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has chosen multi-vector policies. Reforms have begun to be implemented after the election of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in June 2019. Tokayev has consistently advocated for more openness and improving necessary conditions for attracting foreign business and investors to participate in the various economics sectors and including the cultural and…

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Leaders from the world’s top economies gathered mid-November on the Indonesian resort island of Bali for a G20 summit planned to review economic performance, examine challenges and design solutions for emerging tasks but discussions on these were partially overshadowed by the Russia-Ukraine crisis started since Feb 24. Nonetheless, G20 members were able to agree on the final declaration, part of which vehemently condemned the Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. In the final document adopted, after considering different views among members on the situation, it explicitly noted the absolute violation of territorial rights and sovereignty of Ukraine. Chinese President Xi…

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Kazakhstan, a former Soviet republic, has been exploring and developing multifaceted relations with Africa. As an independent republic since the collapse of the Soviet-era in 1991, Kazakhstan values its freedom in choosing external partners as well as devising strategic mechanisms for bolstering and positioning its activities on regional and global stages. The Foreign Ministry offers necessary guidelines and directions, and exercises powers in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It has been laying the groundwork which aims at taking its geopolitical relationship unto an appreciable high level with Africa. The most dramatic sign of its courtship of…

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After several years of heightened criticisms of falling cultural diplomacy, Russia has begun filling the huge pitfalls and cracks. In the context of the emerging multipolar order, Russia has taken the appreciable and practical step in its renewed Russia-African diplomacy, but has a long meandering road in establishing its cultural influence and realising the expected impact on the public perception. Russians have to warmly admit the cultural catastrophe. On the other hand, it has to go far beyond the decades-long traditional rhetoric and diplomatic niceties, at least be open to African cultural troupes to Russia if it readies for strengthening…

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By geographical definition, Ethiopia is located in East Africa. It is landlocked in the Horn of Africa and shares borders with Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia. With its long chequered history, Ethiopia is discussed from different and divergent perspectives, including its geography, politics, economy and culture. Many politicians, academic experts and researchers also look at Ethiopia’s role within the region and its external relations on the global stage. Ethiopia has been, these several years, in the news media. In May 1998, a border dispute with Eritrea led to the Eritrean–Ethiopian War, which lasted until June 2000 and cost both countries an…

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On October 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a meeting with President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embalo, who is also Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), in the Kremlin. The agenda included such topics as development of bilateral relations, topical regional and international issues, and Russia’s engagement with ECOWAS, including preparations for the second Russia-Africa summit scheduled for July 2023. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, good afternoon. I am very glad to see you. Next year we will mark the 50th anniversary of our diplomatic relations, but this is the first…

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Russia’s president Vladimir Putin continues lambasting the United States and its Western and European allies, wholeheartedly predicted the end of the unipolar system and bristled at the idea of creating a new global order that might change living standards of impoverished millions around the world. But Russia largely lacks far behind with a well-structured public outreach diplomacy with its supposed “friends” in the developing world. It has fragmented relations with public institutions that engage the millions of youth, the future leaders who need to be reoriented toward emerging model of economic growth and political governance in the new global order.…

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Within the current global geopolitical changes, growing support is fast underway to give enough preparations for Saudi Arabia and possibly a few others to join BRICS, an organization made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. China will hand over the chair to South Africa early 2023. China and Russia have been pushing for the expansion of BRICS, soliciting support for the multipolar system of global governance instead of the existing rules-based unipolar directed by the United States. Often explained that a bigger BRICS primarily offers huge opportunities among the group members and for developing countries. Russian President…

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The Confederação Empresarial da CPLP (translated as the Community of Portuguese Language Countries) has been looking at multifaceted and diverse opportunities to strengthen the organization and ultimately to improve mutual cooperation among the members and governments which are geographically located in different continents. In efforts to connect these Portuguese-speaking countries, Macau province hosted three exhibitions on investment and business networking in October. In order to promote the four key industries, the 27th Macao International Trade and Investment Fair included three sub-exhibitions that included the cultural and creative industry and science and technology. Reports show that the trade and investment fair…

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has held face-to-face talks with Umaro Sissoco Embalo, President of Guinea-Bissau and Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) focusing on developing economic and trade relations as well as assisting in maintaining peace and security in Guinea-Bissau. During the meeting, Putin noted that 400 million people live in ECOWAS states, and their joint GDP stands at $550 billion, adding that their trade volume with Russia is “rather hefty.” “And, most importantly, the trade volume growth rate is very good. We hope that a significant contribution will be made to the development of relations…

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Local and foreign media are awashed with Mozambique’s efforts in supplying the first tanker of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to be exported from the Rovuma basin, off Cabo Delgado province, to Europe. While this southern African country is set to make its own history by the new direction in exports, it will also help, to some extent, alleviate energy crisis that has arisen due to Russia-Ukraine crisis. Mozambique expects to ship this liquefied natural gas exports to Europe from the Eni-operated Coral Sul floating plant. The BP’s LNG tanker, British Sponsor, has already arrived offshore northern Mozambique, according to the…

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Leading African energy players, companies and projects were recognized during the African Energy Awards in Cape Town, South Africa, during the African Energy Week 2022 conference. It was held under the theme: “Exploring and Investing in Africa’s Energy Future while Driving an Enabling Environment,” in consolidating the business event into an actionable agenda. The African Energy Week, held from October 18 to 21, primarily aims at discussing all aspects of exploration, collaboration and utilization of Africa’s energy resources in scaling up energy security, drastically reduce energy imports and its role in driving socioeconomic growth in Africa. With over 600 million…

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Due to the dynamic and constantly changing nature of the profession, the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) has asked new fellows to update their knowledge on current taxation challenges.  The charge was delivered recently during the institute’s fellowship conferral event by Adesina Adedayo, President and Chairman of Council, CITN. The council would rely on the fellows’ wealth of knowledge in developing the tax profession, he said, while also advising government to raise important fiscal policies as they affect taxation and the economy. He urged the fellows to project the institute positively through ethical conduct even as they constantly…

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After extensive preparations and negotiations these several months, the South African based African Energy Chamber (AEC) is proud to hold African Energy Week, considered to be one of the world’s largest and continental energy gathering, from October 18 – 21 in Cape Town. The African Energy Week primarily aims at discussing all aspects of exploration, collaboration and utilization of Africa’s energy resources in scaling up energy security, drastically reduce energy imports and its role in driving socioeconomic growth in Africa. It will also address the energy infrastructure development and energy monetization initiatives in partnership with global players, foreign investors and…

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The first cargo of vegetable oil for biorefining produced by Eni in Kenya has left the port of Mombasa, on its way to Gela’s biorefinery. This marks the start of the transport and logistic system that will support the value chain in the country, starting with a production of 2,500 tons by the end of 2022 to scale up rapidly to 20,000 tons in 2023. The vegetable oil is produced in the Makueni agri-hub, the pressing plant opened by the company in July 2022 and that actually processes castor, croton and cotton seeds. These are agri-feedstock, which are not in…

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Global food security, especially in Africa, has been in the media publications these past few months. While a few outspoken African leaders shifted blames to Russia-Ukraine crisis, others focus on spending state budget to import food to calm rising discontent among the population. Some experts and international organizations have also expressed the fact that African leaders have to adopt import substitution mechanisms and use their financial resources on strengthening agricultural production systems. At the G7 Summit in June, President Biden and G7 leaders announced over $4.5 billion to address global food security, over half of which will come from the…

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Leaders of African governments are keenly interested in adopting nuclear energy to end chronic power deficit but some maybe forced either to keep on postponing or completely abandon the project primarily due to lack of finance or credit guarantees. Within the framework of 2018 BRICS summit held in Johannesburg, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa told his counterpart, Vladimir Putin, at a bilateral meeting that South Africa was not ready to renew the agreement on the construction of nuclear power plants in South Africa. Putin raised the subject of a nuclear deal at a private meeting with Ramaphosa, but his host…

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Chairing a meeting of the Commission for Military Technology Cooperation with Foreign States, Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for renewed efforts, not only in preserving but also in strengthening Russia’s leading position on the global arms market, primarily in the high-tech sector, amid tough competition. “Our capabilities in the military technical sphere must be used to modernise and upgrade all our industries, to support our science and to create a powerful technological potential for the country’s dynamic development,” Kremlin website officially reported. Putin further called for reliance on the rich experience in this sphere and building up consistently military…

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The Nobel Peace Prize 2022 is awarded to human rights advocate Ales Bialiatski from Belarus, the Russian human rights organisation Memorial and the Ukrainian human rights organisation Center for Civil Liberties. The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2022 to one individual and two organisations. The Peace Prize laureates represent civil society in their home countries. They have for many years promoted the right to criticise power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens. They have made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human right abuses and the abuse of power. Together they…

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Mozambique marks five years since extreme violence erupted in northern Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, forcing nearly 1 million people to flee during that time in October. Currently government officials, international organizations and experts said there have been “remarkable progress” as businesses have restarted and displaced people began returning to Cabo Delgado. Extreme violence and displacement have had a devastating impact on the population. People have witnessed their loved ones being killed, beheaded, and raped, and their houses and other infrastructure burned to the ground. Men and boys have also been forcibly enrolled in armed groups. Livelihoods have been lost, and…

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The Maghreb region, with an estimated population of over 100 million people, has been an interesting geographical region for key global players due to its tremendous untapped natural resources. Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia established the Arab Maghreb Union in 1989 to promote cooperation and economic integration. The union included Western Sahara implicitly under Morocco’s membership, and ended Morocco’s long cold war with Algeria over this territory. However, this progress was short-lived, and the union is now dormant. That however, the region is an important gateway to Europe and to sub-Saharan Africa. Europe particularly has some investment, so also…

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Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Zimbabwe Jacob Mudenda and his delegation paid a reciprocal working visit late September to Moscow, held separate meetings with Russian Upper House Speaker Valentina Matviyenko and Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, and finally addressed the plenary session of the State Duma. Speaker Valentina Matviyenko said at a meeting with Jacob Mudenda that the United States has been trying to push its politics on the African continent, keeping African nations in the grips of neo-colonial rule. “We highly appreciate it that the Zimbabwean leadership remains committed to the development of…

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Russian President Vladimir Putin, by signing a new decree on legal recognition of four regions’ independence and finally to join the Russian Federation, shows another tremendous historical achievement since the collapse of the Soviet era in 1991. The decree, made available on the database, was published on the official Internet portal for legal information on September 30. On September 23-27, the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk (DPR and LPR) as well as the Kherson region and the liberated territories of the Zaporozhye Region, held referendum to join Russia. In all of these regions, the overwhelming majority of voters favoured becoming…

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Building on post-Soviet relations with Africa, Russia has been struggling for strategies on how to establish economic footprints, promote investment and deepen cooperation in Africa. Despite the road map adopted at the end of the first Russia-Africa summit held in October 2019, little has been achieved since then. Late September, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry welcomed the participants to another round of conference under theme: “Russia-Africa: Prospects for Cooperation” held in St. Petersburg. That gathering featuring a few interested Russian enterprises was part of a series of steps brainstorm and discuss opportunities, developments and challenges with regards to…

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During the September ceremony to receive foreign ambassadors, Russian leader Vladimir Putin offered spiteful goal-setting policy outlines and some aspects of lofty Russia’s economic policy directions for Africa. Most of these directions considered significant have, over these years, featured prominently in all his previous speeches on Russia’s relations with Africa. On September 20, in the St Alexander Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, Putin received letters of credence from 24 newly-arrived ambassadors, including nine from Africa (Algeria, Egypt, DR Congo, Libya, Mali, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda). By tradition, Putin briefly characterised the relations between Russia and countries whose envoys…

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Awka Anambra Governor’s wife, Mrs Nonye Soludo has asked parents to understand that the home is the first moral cradle of child raising. Mrs Soludo who stated this in Awka while addressing a cross-section of Anambra women, explained that every parent owes their children the right moral structure, as well as a peculiar social system that moulds their entire life. The Governor’s wife noted that as the smallest unit of the society and the onset of socialization, the family is a child’s first moral base, and always reflects on their character and ideology. She asked parents to be deliberate in…

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