Army Chief directs troops to be more aggressive against peace disruptors in Plateau

Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja, the Chief of Army Staff, has directed the troops from the 3 Division Nigerian Army and the Joint Task Force Operation Safe Haven to take a more aggressive stance in eliminating terrorists causing chaos in Plateau and nearby states.

Gen Lagbaja issued this strong directive during an operational tour to Plateau on Saturday, January 27, 2024, following a recent disturbance of peace in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State.

He emphasized the need to act decisively against those disrupting peace, urging the troops to neutralize terrorists responsible for harming people and damaging property.

Acknowledging the complex security situation in Plateau due to political, cultural, and economic factors, Gen Lagbaja commended the troops for preventing the crisis from spreading to other parts of the state.

He inspected recovered arms and ammunition and expressed confidence in the troops’ resilience to restore peace in Plateau and other troubled areas.

While addressing concerns about potential misconduct, Gen Lagbaja assured that the Nigerian Army has internal regulatory mechanisms that prioritize duty over ethnic or religious affiliations.

He urged the troops to adhere to rules of engagement and maintain the trust of the people they are protecting.

During a courtesy visit to Plateau State Governor Barr Caleb Mutfwang, Gen Lagbaja appreciated the government and people of Plateau for their efforts in ensuring peace.

He emphasized the troops’ marching orders to enforce law and order, concluding that peace must prevail on the Plateau and other troubled parts of the country.

Governor Mutfwang, in response, expressed confidence in the capabilities of the Nigerian Army and stressed the role of the civil populace in enhancing security.

He emphasized the need for harmonious efforts to regain peace and harmony, highlighting the avoidability of recent breaches.

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