Arewa Youth Calls for Peace and Denounces Planned Violent Protest on June 12

Arewa Youth Calls for Peace and Denounces Planned Violent Protest on June 12
AYCF's President General, Yerima Shettima
The Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF) has issued a strong condemnation in response to recent reports suggesting that some groups plan to incite chaos and violence during the upcoming June 12 Democracy Day celebrations. 
The AYCF’s President General, Yerima Shettima, expressed the forum’s firm stance against any protests or demonstrations that could disturb the peace and stability of Nigeria, particularly on such a significant day.
In his statement, Shettima emphasized the importance of Democracy Day, a day that symbolizes Nigeria’s significant struggle for freedom and democracy.
He articulated the AYCF’s position that any disruptions on this day would undermine its symbolic importance and the values it represents.
“The AYCF believes that any disturbances could undermine the importance of this symbolic day,” Shettima stated. He strongly condemned any form of protest or demonstration aimed at disrupting the peace and stability of the country, especially on a day as significant as Democracy Day.
Shettima highlighted that as a youth organization committed to the advancement and unity of Nigeria, the AYCF advocates for peaceful dialogue and constructive engagement as the most effective tools for driving positive change and progress.
“As a youth organization committed to the advancement and unity of our nation, we believe that peaceful dialogue and constructive engagement are the most effective tools for driving positive change and progress,” he noted.
While acknowledging the legitimacy of peaceful protests as a form of expression, Shettima cautioned against any protests that escalate into violence.
He pointed out that when protests turn violent, they betray the very principles of democracy being celebrated.
“Though protest and demonstration are legitimate forms of expression, when these activities escalate into violence, destruction of property, and endangering lives, they no longer serve their intended purpose. Instead, they undermine the very democracy we seek to uphold,” Shettima observed.
Shettima emphasized the significance of Democracy Day, which commemorates the hard-fought struggle for freedom and democracy in Nigeria.
He stressed the importance of upholding the values of peace, unity, and progress on such an important day.
 “On a day like Democracy Day, when we commemorate the hard-fought struggle for freedom and democracy in our country, it is particularly important to uphold the values of peace, unity, and progress. Disrupting the peace and stability of our nation on such a significant day only detracts from the achievements and sacrifices of those who fought for our democracy,” Shettima stated.
He called on all Nigerians to use Democracy Day as an opportunity for reflection, gratitude, and solidarity.
Shettima urged citizens to honor the sacrifices made by the nation’s forefathers by coming together as one nation, setting aside differences, and focusing on the progress and development of Nigeria.
“Celebrating Democracy Day should be a time for reflection, gratitude, and solidarity as we honor the sacrifices made by our forefathers to secure our freedom. It is a day when we should come together as one nation, setting aside our differences and focusing on the progress and development of our country,” he said.
To ensure that the celebrations proceed without incident, Shettima called on the government to take decisive action in maintaining law and order.
He emphasized that ensuring the safety and security of citizens is crucial for upholding the principles of democracy.
“Maintaining law and order is crucial not only for the safety and security of the citizens but also for upholding the principles of democracy. The government has a responsibility to protect its people and ensure that they can exercise their rights and freedoms without fear of intimidation or violence,” he added.
Shettima stressed that any attempts to disrupt the peace and stability of the Democracy Day celebrations must be met with swift and severe consequences. He called for accountability for those who seek to cause chaos and disorder. “Those who seek to sow chaos and disorder should be held accountable for their actions and face the full force of the law,” he stated.
In addition to advocating for punitive measures against potential troublemakers, Shettima also called for increased security measures.
 He suggested that law enforcement personnel should be deployed and crowd control measures implemented to deter any potential threats to public safety.
“Increased security measures, including the deployment of law enforcement personnel and the implementation of crowd control measures, should be put in place to deter any potential threats to public safety,” he concluded.
The AYCF’s stance reflects a commitment to ensuring that Democracy Day remains a peaceful and meaningful celebration, honoring the sacrifices made for Nigeria’s freedom and democracy while promoting unity and progress for the nation.
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