Apply Constitutional Force To Repel Violent Attacks- AIG Danmallam Tells Operatives

The Assistant Inspector-General of Police, in charge of the 13th Police Zonal Command, Ukpo, Anambra State, AIG Danmallam Mohammed has asked Commissioners of Police in charge of Anambra and Enugu to deploy every lawful force to protect citizens’ lives and public property and those of private individuals, from malicious attacks by persons and groups who might be operating under any guise and circumstances.

Recently ENDSARS protest erupted nationwide and the violence that followed it, saw to the destruction of public infrastructure, police stations and operational apparatchiks, loss of officers’ lives, carting away of some privately owned property and halting of movements and commercial activities.
The AIG in a statement on Sunday signed by the Zonal Public Relations Officer, Nkeiruka Nwode, reiterated the need for Commissioners of Police to repel all manner of violent moves that can jeopardize the emergent peace and tranquillity in the society after the protests.
“This is in line with the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu directives on the imperatives of police officers in Nigeria to carry out their duties jurisprudentially while they also defend themselves against violent attacks
“The protests that recently rocked the country affected the jurisdictions of the zone, leaving unquantifiable counts of casualties in different phases of public environment and human lives.
“This charge is in tandem with the section 33 (1) & (2) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 as amended, which in parts provides for the defense of any person from attacks; from riot and insurrection or mutinous practices; effect a lawful arrest, preventing escape of a person lawfully detained, etc,” the AIG noted.
He maintained that the Zone 13 will not tolerate a repeat of the outing that erupted in the past where police officers under the zone suffered fatal attacks, stations burnt and patrol vehicles set ablaze.
Danmallam assured law-abiding citizens of the zone of the police’s commitment towards protecting their lives and property and ensuring that the highways are safe for commuters and travellers moreover in this season of the yuletide.
He sought the collaboration of the citizens as according to him, policing is everyone’s business.
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