Anambra SUBEB Concludes 2023 Retreat for Head Teachers, Stakeholders

The Anambra State Universal Basic Education Board, ASUBEB has concluded the 2023 edition of its annual retreat for all head teachers and other Basic Education Stakeholders in all the three Senatorial Districts of the state.
The retreat over the weekend, which took place at Akpakaogwe Central School, Ogidi in Idemili North Council Area, which was for the head teachers in Anambra Central Senatorial Zone, marked the end of the annual exercise.
Earlier on the 30th of August, 2023, at Sancta Maria Primary School, Onitsha, the retreat for Anambra North head teachers held while that of 31st August held at Okwuani Central School, Nnewi, was for Anambra South.
The theme for this year’s retreat was ‘Building a Digital and Inclusive School Leadership.’
Addressing the teachers, the Executive Chairman, Anambra State Universal Basic Education Board, ASUBEB, Awka, Dr Vera Nkiru Nwadinobi explained that the vision of Mr Governor, Professor Chukwuma Soludo, to build a digital workforce for the state education sector, requires the efforts of all the head teachers to see it to fruition.
She commended Mr Governor for showing leadership capacity in driving the innovation and disruptive changes he has introduced to the basic education sector.
Dr Nwadinobi reminded the head teachers that as the society advances, schools’ leadership must as well evolve, as the state cannot have digital learners being taught and led by analogue teachers.
“Because today, most of the pupils in our schools operate digital tools at home, the need for a paradigm shift in our teaching and learning methods has become imperative.
“Digital leadership takes into account, recent developments such as ubiquitous connectivity, open-source technology, mobile devices, and personalization.
“It represents a dramatic shift from how schools have been run and structured for over a century.
“What started out as a personal use of technology has become systemic to every facet of leadership. Digital leadership can thus be defined as establishing direction, influencing others, and initiating sustainable change through the access of information, and establishing relationships in order to anticipate changes pivotal to schools.
“As head teachers, we must kept up to speed with global trends, especially with the way Mr Governor wants Anambra students to be able to compete with their peers globally.
“We must therefore brace and live up to expectation to ensure that the governor’s lofty vision for the state education sector is realized,” Nwadinobi emphasized.
One of the resource persons at the retreat, Lady Stella Ezepue, Director Quality Assurance Department, ASUBEB Awka, who spoke on areas that need to be improved in Schools by Teachers and Headteachers as well as Collection and submission of approved levies by Headteachers, encouraged the participants to embrace technology to be able to drive the digitization processes in their schools.
On her part, the ASUBEB Board Secretary, Mrs Loveline Mgbemena, harped on the need for proper School records and proper routing of official letters as well as knowing the statutory and Non statutory records.
Other aspects which the head teachers were taken through during the retreat include Inclusive Leadership by the Board Member Two, Dr. Kananyo Chukwurah, Curbing examination malpractice among Headteachers and Teachers by Hon Mrs Ifeyinwa Anatune, and Establishing cordial relationship between the PTA Chairman, the members and the Head teachers, by Mrs Uche Egbusi, ex – official member Representing Parents Teachers Association, PTA.
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