Anambra Elections Peaceful, Soludo Says as He casts His Vote in Isuofia

Governor of Anambra State, Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo has described the ongoing 2023 general election as orderly in Anambra State

Governor Soludo gave the assertion while exchanging views with the press. He expressed satisfaction so far based on the reports reaching him in regards to the entire process shortly after casting his ballot

He voted at polling unit 002, Ofeiyi, Umueze, Isuofia, Aguata Council Area at exactly 1:55 pm.

The Governor maintained that the election is peaceful and orderly because Anambra State is secured and equally peaceful.

He stated that the so-called sit-at-home directive issued by some non-state actors was disregarded by the people as they trooped out in large numbers to perform their civic duties.

He pointed out that aside from some instances or reported cases of late arrival of materials, INEC the electoral umpire has improved on the usage of BVAS.

He called on the citizens to shun all manner of violence or electoral malpractice as they continued to troop out to cast their votes

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