Always Serving

“The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” – Matthew 23:11-12 NIV

When this year ends, what will other people say about you and how you spent your time and energy? What will God say?

Jesus provided a practical goal that applies to you and everyone else. Simply, we should approach every project with the attitude of a servant—not to exalt ourselves, but to be humble in our relationship with others and God. We are to be the best servants we can be, no matter how we rank, and no matter our role.

Applying the golden rule, doing unto others what we want them to do to us can be helpful (Matthew 7:12). We are to be thankful in every task (Ephesians 5:20) and humble ourselves in God’s sight (James 4:10).

Many take a different approach. For them, the overriding goal will be to gain riches, get attention, win awards, advance in their careers, experience pleasures, make special purchases, or add to their resources.

Regardless of our external conditions, Jesus reminded us that those who exalt themselves will be humbled. Instead, we should trust God to reward us in His time and in His way.

As you approach this new year, ask God to help you approach life with the attitude of a servant. Let this permeate everything you do and shape every relationship—with friends and family, neighbors, other believers, the old and young, rich and poor, every project, and people of every political persuasion.

*Reflection Question:*

How can you practically humble yourself to serve others this week?


Father, I humble myself before You. Help me to have the attitude of a servant in everything I do. I seek to serve You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today’s Bible Reading

Matthew 23

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