Agent of Fraud Arraigned in Kaduna

Agent of Fraud

Agent of Fraud Arraigned in Kaduna

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC has arraigned one Danlami Bala Alafiya before Justice A.A. Isiaka of the Kaduna State High Court on a two-count charge bordering on land fraud.

The police arrested the defendant following a complaint that he fraudulently convinced the nominal complainant to swap his BMW 750 2008 Model car for 10 plots of land valued at N 3,800,000 situated at Unguwan Hazo, Rigachikun, Kaduna State.

After the swap, the complainant discovered that the land belonged to somebody else.

Consequently, he asked for a refund but the defendant offered him another plot of land at Millennium City, Kaduna which also turned out to be fake.

One of the charges reads, “that you, Dalhatu Mikailu ( Bala Alafiya ), sometime in April 2021 at Kaduna within the jurisdiction of the judicial division of the High Court of Justice of Kaduna State with intent to defraud forged a document titled “PROVISIONAL OFFER OF GRANT/ RE GRANT OF STATUTORY RIGHT OF OCCUPANCY” in respect of Plot No.5 Block ‘SJ’ Asokoro Road TPO.833A Revised Kaduna Millennium City Layout of about 472M square situate at Millennium City, Kaduna purportedly signed by Amin Sulaiman and thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 344 and punishable under Section 345 of Kaduna State Penal Code Law, 2017”.

The Agent of Fraud was pleaded not guilty to the charge.

In view of his plea, the prosecution counsel, K.S Ogunlade urged the court to fix a date for hearing of the matter while the defence counsel, Rabiu Muhammad prayed the court to grant his client bail.

Justice Isiaka granted bail to the defendant in the sum of One Million Naira with two sureties in like sum.

Additionally, the sureties must own landed property covered by Certificate of Occupancy within the jurisdiction of the court.


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