After partial reinstatement, 2,483 dismissed workers in Kano find themselves in limbo

A flicker of hope appeared for a group of over 10,000 workers who were stopped from working by the Kano State Government. 

They got back to their jobs and finally got the money they were supposed to receive but didn’t for a long time.

These workers were initially stopped by the Kano government after the last leaders finished their term.

More than 10,000 workers were stuck, and they didn’t get paid while waiting for investigations.

Out of these workers, about 6,849 were allowed to go back to work, but 2,483 are still waiting.

The government, led by Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, looked at the situation and decided to bring some of the workers back.

Those who came back, and who were really worried about not getting paid on time, are now getting the money they were supposed to receive.

Comrade Abdurrahman Yusuf Tarauni has been supporting the workers who were brought back and has been fighting for their rights during this tough time.

While this is good news for some, there are still about 2,483 workers who are waiting to know what will happen with their pay.

The government hasn’t explained why there’s a delay, and they’re not giving any details about it.

After the workers who were allowed to come back kept asking for it, the government made a list on Thursday with the names of 6,849 people who could go back to work. A lot of these people are teachers.

Right after this, on Friday, December 15, 2023, the government quickly gave the salaries for November to these workers, which they had been waiting for.


This situation shows that bringing back workers is not easy, and it also shows the problems that many workers are facing while waiting for their money after being stopped from working for seven months.

The workers who were brought back are asking the government to be clear about how they decide who gets to come back.

The people whose names are not on the list are confused about what’s going to happen with their jobs, and they want the government to be fair and clear about it.

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