22-Year-Old Woman Stabs Husband to Death in Yobe State Following Heated Argument

22-Year-Old Woman Stabs Husband to Death in Yobe State Following Violent Argument

In a tragic incident at Abbari ward in Damaturu, Yobe State, a 22-year-old housewife has fatally stabbed her husband during a heated argument. 

The Yobe State Police Command confirmed the event in a statement released on Wednesday, 26 June, 2024.

The police spokesman, Dungus Abdulkarim, identified the suspect as Zainab Isa. She recently gave birth to her second child with her now-deceased husband, Yahaya Isah, in early June 2024.

According to Abdulkarim, Zainab confessed to the crime but stated that her marriage had been plagued by violence from the beginning.

Abdulkarim explained that Zainab has been apprehended and is currently being held by the Criminal Investigation Department of the police command.

“The command is saddened by the unfortunate actions of a couple that led to the death of a promising young man due to the consequences of an abusive marriage,” he stated.

The incident was reported to the police on June 26, 2024, at around 10:00 AM by a neighbor from Abbari Ward, Damaturu.

The neighbor informed the police about a violent argument between the couple, 25-year-old Ibrahim Yahaya and 22-year-old Zainab Isa.

The argument, which occurred around 9:00 AM, escalated into a physical altercation. During the scuffle, Zainab used a knife to stab her husband in the chest. Tragically, he succumbed to his injuries before the police could arrive on the scene.

Preliminary investigations revealed that Zainab did not intend to kill her husband but acted in self-defense.

She claimed that her husband was beating and kicking her while she was still recovering from a recent medical operation following childbirth.

In response to the incident, the state Commissioner of Police, Garba Ahmed, urged couples experiencing domestic abuse to report it to the authorities to seek a durable solution.

He also advised them to file complaints with the nearest Sharia or family court for possible redress.

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