Day: January 26, 2023

A window into Africa’s uncollected taxes Paris, France, 26 January 2022, /African Media Agency/- In 2020, African fintech companies brought in about 4 billion USD in total. In 2025, one of the world’s most reputable consulting firms, McKinsey predicts those companies will earn eight times that – at around $30.3 billion. While this is thrilling for the […]

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NAIROBI, Kenya, 26 January 2023 -/African Media Agency(AMA)/- African Guarantee Fund (AGF) has today partnered with Frankfurt-based bettervest, a crowdfunding platform, to increase financing of sustainable SME projects in Africa.  AGF will provide partial guarantees requested by bettervest, on the basis of risk sharing, in respect of defaults arising from credit facilities offered to African SMEs.   Speaking […]

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New York, USA, 26 January 2023-/African Media Agency(AMA)/ “Swift progress” has been made at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the trial against a former Janjaweed leader in Sudan’s Darfur region, but cooperation with the Government has deteriorated, the UN Security Council heard on Wednesday.  Presenting his latest report, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan updated ambassadors on […]

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