2023: PDP sends strong message to APC

Ogun Governorship Tribunal
Credit: PDP

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has said that its victory in three strategic Abuja Area Councils; namely Abuja Municipal, Bwari and Kuje Area Councils, in the Saturday, February 12, 2022 Federal Capital Territory Council elections, “is a clear demonstration of the determination by Nigerians to return PDP to power in 2023”.

In a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Nebo Ologunagba, the party said “It is instructive to state that the three area councils are melting pots of Nigerians from all sections across the nation irrespective of political, ethnic, cultural, religious, class, professional or age affiliations.

“The crushing rejection of the incompetent, corrupt and vicious APC in the three area councils therefore represents the collective will, feeling and aspiration of the generality of Nigerians in the national consensus to do away with the APC and return the PDP to power at the center in 2023.

“In electing the PDP to superintend over the Abuja Municipal Area Council, which is at the core of the FCT, Nigerians have firmly established their resolve to completely oust the APC from governance by 2023 to enable them have a new lease of life.

“Nigerians are however aware of the manipulation of the APC to rig and muscle votes in the three other councils namely; Gwagwalada, Abaji and Kwali Area Councils where the will of the people was trampled upon.

“Official figures show that the PDP won more councillorship seats, leading the APC with cumulative 44 councillorship seats as against APC’s 18 seats. In Gwagwalada and Kwali Area Councils respectively, the PDP led with 6 councillorship seats against APC’s 4 seats while the two parties won 5 seats apiece in Kwali Area Council.

“The councillorship seat results validate evidence of manipulation in favour of the APC in the Chairmanship elections in Gwagwalada, Kwali and Abaji Area Councils. The PDP is studying the results for appropriate action in that regard.

“Nevertheless, the PDP commends Nigerians as represented in the FCT Area Council election results for their resilience in the fight to liberate our nation from misrule.

“The PDP also commends all its members and teeming supporters in the FCT and urges all Nigerians to continue to work together on the platform of the PDP in the resolve to Rescue and Rebuild our nation from the stranglehold of the APC.”

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