2023 General Election Aftermath: APGA Calls LP’s Bluff, Says Anambrarians will Re-elect Soludo

The Anambra State Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, Chief Sir Ifeatu Obi-Okoye has made it clear that Anambra citizens are comfortable with the transformation and massive development Governor Chukwuma Soludo is bringing, and do not need any distraction at this time.

Obi-Okoye was reacting in a chat with newsmen on Thursday at the APGA State Headquarters, in response to the recent press conference granted by the State Chairman of the Labour party, Ugochukwu Emeh, where he said Governor Soludo will face nemesis for working against the presidential ambition of the candidate of the Labour party during the 2023 Presidential Elections, Mr Peter Obi.

Chief Obi-Okoye, who noted that the remarks of Chief Emeh was borne out of lack of understanding of the tenets and rudiments of political partisanship, said Nigerians are at liberty to pitch their tents politically with any party and do not need the validation of sentiments to so do.

According to him, Governor Soludo was proactive and indeed prophetic in calculating politically, the outcome of the 2023 General Elections and pitched Ndi Anambra where their fortunes would be brighter.

“The eventual outcome of the 2023 Presidential Elections has vindicated Mr Governor and that has availed him the capacity to bargain for better prospects for Anambra State, at the Federal level.

“There is nowhere in the world where sentiments drive politics and that has been the major reason why the Southeast region is crying out for marginalisation and exclusion all these years.

“In Governor Soludo, Ndi Anambra have a leader, who is committed to their cause and is ready to risk even his personal interest, to secure a better bargain for them.

“That was what Soludo saw ahead of the 2023 General Elections and history will be kind to him for giving Anambra the right choice,” he said.

The Anambra APGA boss noted that Governor Soludo is on a trajectory that will earn him a merited second term, urging naysayers to understand that Ndi Anambra are now wiser and not easily swayed by sentiments.

Across all the sectors of the state economy, Obi-Okoye noted, Governor Soludo has carved a niche for himself and is not relenting, in driving the vision for a liveable and prosperous Anambra State, as he had promised during his electioneering campaigns.

In his words; “Time has gone when Ndi Anambra groped in darkness. The advent of APGA has liberated the people and placed the state on a fast lane…towards becoming the most reckoned with state, in terms of development and good governance.

“Those are the indices on which Anambra people will vote come 2025 and Governor Soludo will be re-elected.

“It is important that we begin to correct the wrong impression of few political jobbers portraying Anambra State and its population as for sale, whether for sentiments or for pots of porridge.

“This is an ‘A’ state, with hi-net worth individuals, whose exploits cut across many fields of endeavour and they cannot be taken for fools.

“So, come 2025, Anambra people will re-elect Governor Soludo, on the basis of the transformational governance he has entrenched in the state saddle.

“Be that as it may , if  Ugo Emeh rejects SOLUDO, he must reject and return SOLUDO’S bags of Christmas rice that he collected.

“Moreso, Anambra State will not accept a Governorship candidate in 2025, from the same zone, more so, the same Local Government Area (Anambra East), as the immediate past Governor of Anambra State ,  Chief Willie Obiano.”

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